Marie Tartar

Radiologist & Nature Photographer
Scripps Clinic Medical Group & Aperture Photo Arts
General Studies

My general studies degree in chemistry, art history and humanities reflects my wide-ranging interests. In my practice as a radiologist, I encounter a vast spectrum of diseases, practitioners and patients and have to think flexibly about disease processes and their potential appearances and manifestations on imaging and in patients, as well as have the ability to provide patients with as much or as little information and support as they need. Sometimes, this involves explaining abnormalities and procedures in other languages (mostly Spanish, occasionally French).

My personal life has also been strongly influenced by my humanities studies as an undergraduate with Dr. Donna Swaim and my first trip to Europe with Dr. Swaim between college and medical school. My husband and I have parallel careers as global travelers and nature photographers and are looking forward to a joint exhibition of our underwater photography work this fall.

Marie Tartar