IDS at Nogales

IDS is no longer accepting applications for students transferring within the Near You Network, including UA’s location in Nogales, AZ. If you are interested in pursuing a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies, consider transferring to either the main campus in Tucson or to Arizona Online. Please reach out to us if you have questions about your options.

Transfer Up to 75 Community College Credits 

The Interdisciplinary Studies Program is pleased to announce that as of Fall 2022, students transferring to any University of Arizona location to pursue a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) degree can apply up to 75 units from a community college to their degree plan.

This signals a shift from the previous limit of 64 community college credits that could be applied to this bachelor’s degree. There will be no alteration regarding the regulations and practices in evaluating the transferability of credits to the University. This credit limit amendment allows more transferrable credits to be applied directly in pursuit of the bachelor’s degree. The College of Humanities and Interdisciplinary Studies Program sought this increase to help fulfill the land-grant mission of the University of Arizona by providing an opportunity for a diverse segment of our student population, including many who transfer from Arizona community colleges, to complete their college degree in a timely manner. 

If you have questions about the application of transfer credits to your BIS degree plan, please reach out to your academic advisor. 

Graduate with a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Arizona without ever leaving Ambos Nogales.

The University of Arizona Near You Network and College of Humanities are proud to offer the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies at our Nogales location as an exciting option and industry-relevant path in higher learning.

Degree Overview and Themes
Tuition and Fees
Current and Past Courses
Academic Calendar
Academic Advising
How to Apply

Degree Overview and Theme Options

Your associate degree plus 60 additional units of Interdisciplinary Studies coursework earns you a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) degree from the University of Arizona. The Interdisciplinary Studies degree was created in 2010 by a committee of faculty members from across the University of Arizona. They designed the degree as a broad, interdisciplinary course of study rather than a traditional major. The degree provides students with a flexible yet structured program covering a broad range of interests and disciplines. 

The IDS Program at Nogales offers courses in three different degree plans:

  1. Science, Technology, Health, and Society
  2. Economy and Industry
  3. Social Behavior and Human Understanding

You will support your studies in the degree path of your choice by taking courses in 3 different concentrations, with 9 units required in each. The majority of your courses are in the degree plan that you choose, with 36 units required. These three themed options deliver courses from disciplines across the social sciences, natural science, and humanities. While focusing on one of the themes, you will develop skills in oral and written communication, critical analysis and research, and learn to think about and solve 3 problems using multiple theories and methods—obtaining a truly multidisciplinary education. You can also choose Studies of the U.S. and the American Experience, Global and Intercultural Understanding, or Arts, Media and Entertainment as a theme for one of your concentrations.

The Nogales Interdisciplinary degree completion program also encourages you to get real world experience in your chosen area and participate in an internship. Studies have demonstrated the importance of internships in post-graduation employment success. The National Association of Colleges and Employers found that “65% of paid interns in the class of 2012 had at least one job offer when they graduated. Of those who did no internship only about 40% had an offer.” And the 2012 Maguire Associates survey concluded that “More important than where they went to college, the major they pursued, and even their grade point average, an internship is the single more important credential for college graduates.” The 2014 Maguire Survey reaffirmed the importance of internships, but also found that employers emphasize communication, critical thinking and problem solving skills – the key assets of a liberal arts education.

Our IDS program graduates have found employment in diverse fields such as: 

  • Advertising
  • Sales
  • Government
  • Media
  • Entertainment
  • Non-profit Organizations
  • Public Relations
  • Marketing
  • Law enforcement
  • Health Care

Other IDS graduates have gone onto to pursue graduate degrees in areas such as:

  • Media arts
  • Nursing
  • Museum studies
  • Social sciences, such as Anthropology or Political Science
  • Humanities, such as Philosophy
  • Law school
  • Social work
  • Medical school

Once you have been admitted as a Wildcat, you will work with advisors at Nogales and in the College of Humanities at UA to chart your path to success.

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and Fee Rates for Spring 2023

1 unit $300 $48.50 $348.50
2 units $600 $70.50 $670.50
3 units $900 $92.50 $992.50
4 units $1,200 $114.50 $1,314.50
5 units $1,500 $136.50 $1,636.50
6 units $1,800 $158.50 $1,958.50
7 units $2,100 $207.00 $2,307.00
8 units $2,400 $207.00 $2,607.00
9 units $2,700 $207.00 $2,907.00

Bursar's office Fees Calculator

NOTE: These rates are for students enrolled in a distance campus program Spring 2023. IDS tuition at Nogales is residency-blind.

NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, there is no tuition cap for per unit programs. To calculate the cost for additional units beyond this rate table, add the cost per unit (1 unit of TUITION) to the TOTAL for each additional unit.

All amounts shown in the Tuition Rates or in other University publications or web pages represent tuition and fees as currently approved. However, The University of Arizona reserves the right to increase or modify tuition and fees without prior notice, upon approval by the Arizona Board of Regents or as otherwise consistent with Board policy and to make such modifications applicable to students enrolled at UA at that time as well as to incoming students. In addition, all tuition amounts and fees are subject to change at any time for correction of errors. Finally, please note that fee amounts billed for any period may be adjusted at a future date. 


Scholarship Universe

Once admitted, students will also have access to Scholarship Universe. This is an extensive database of scholarships of the university and third-party scholarship opportunities for students. This system helps you search for and apply to open scholarships for which you are eligible. 


Phi Theta Kappa Award

Additionally, UA students attending Nogales at are eligible for the Phi Theta Kappa Award.  This competitive, consideration-based scholarship for top community college transfer students with a minimum 3.5 recalculated cumulative college GPA, have completed at least 36 units, and are members in good standing with Phi Theta Kappa for at least one year at the time of your UA application. The award is $3,000 per academic year for AZ residents.

Transfer Student Scholarships

The University of Arizona offers annual scholarships in variable amounts to transfer students from community colleges who demonstrate exceptional academic performance. The Transfer Tuition Award is $2,000 per academic year for AZ residents.  Students must have a minimum of 3.0 recalculated cumulative college GPA for Arizona residents or 3.5 for non-residents and no more than 80 credit hours to qualify for consideration. You do not need to file a separate scholarship application. All students who submit a complete application for admission to the University of Arizona Nogales will be included in the scholarship pool. The selected students will receive a letter of award. It is recommended that students apply by March 1st for a Fall start.

Spring 2024 Enrollment Options

To read descriptions of the non-IDS/HUMS courses, search in the general catalog:

  • Regular session: 1/10/24--5/01/2024
    • Final Examinations: 5/3-5/9/2024
  • 7 week 1 session:  1/10/24--3/1/2024
  • 7 week 2 session: 3/11/24--5/01/2024 
Distance in-person/ITV courses. You must enroll in at least 2 of these courses if you are full-time; majority is encouraged. 

HUMS 395  Burdens of Proof: History of Forensic Medicine (SBHU/STHS)
Instructor: Victoria Meyer
Hybrid; Regular Semester
Monday 4-6:15pm (primarily taught out of Chandler; ITV other locations)

The intersection of medicine and the law is vast and multi-dimensional since they both revolve around the human experience and the individual versus society. Both elite physicians and popular healers have been involved in with legal systems in an official capacity for millennia, but their roles and the nature of their involvement has varied widely. Just as the nature of legal and disciplinary systems have fluctuated through time and place. The professional treatment of disease (medicine) and the law are both systems that reflect the societies in which they overlap. This means that we can see both continuities and change over time and between societies. In this course, we will focus on the facets of this relationship in the West: Western Europe and North America.  In our focus on the emergence of forensic medicine—an area of medical practice and theory that provides guidance in the operation of the law—we will explore the different forms of legal medicine in Western history. This involves looking at different communities of medical practitioners as they operated in different systems of governance and justice—both assisting and complicating understandings of the law. We will focus in particular on how, why, and to what ends investigators inspected the human body. We will also explore forensic science, though as it historically becomes increasingly distinct from medicine we will look mainly at specifically medical subfields like forensic pathology and toxicology. Throughout, however, we will take a broad view of what counts as legal medicine. We will be reading a number of key secondary texts on the topic, as well as reading through primary source documents such as court records, political treatises, popular literature, medical books, and newspapers.

IDS 396 Industrial Revolutions: Past & Present (SBHU/ECI)
Instructor: Victoria Meyer
Hybrid; Regular Semester>
Wednesday 4-6:15pm (primarily taught out of Chandler; ITV other locations)

Much discontent and conflict in modern times is related to economic status and differences, between groups within societies and between nations. As we try to address contemporary economic struggles and predict the next industrial revolution, we can look to the past to answer why there are such differences. We can begin to understand the roots of our modern economies and structure of daily life through a case study on the first major industrial revolution in Britain of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This semester we will explore the history of the British industrial revolution in an increasingly global age with the rapid expansion of empire. We will explore not only what happened, but also historiographical debates about why it happened when it did and where it did. We will also seek to understand the social impact of the industrial revolution and how different groups, from young and old to rural and urban to women and men, experience the industrial and technological transformations. We will explore such themes as urbanization and mechanization, population growth, foreign markets and empire, consumerism and enlightened culture, and child labor. We will then compare this to case studies from the second industrial revolution which began circa the 1870s and revolved around the impact of gasoline and the third revolution which began in the 1950s and revolved around electronics and nuclear energy.

IDS 496 Voices of the Borderlands (SBHU/GIU)
Instructor: Abraham Villarreal
Regular Semester
Tuesday/Thursday 4:30-5:45pm (primarily taught out of Douglas; ITV other locations)

The course exposes the voices and narratives of people living in the southwest borderland area of the U.S.-Mexico border during the 21st century. Students will examine how we use stories to share the human condition and our histories, which serve to establish our cultural identities. Short stories, personal narratives, and poetry will be reviewed as inspiration on how students can develop their own voices in expressing identity, struggles, hopes, and dreams through writing. The course will include guest speakers from the borderlands who will share the work they do in supporting migrant communities in Sonora, Mexico. Optional, volunteer opportunities will be presented as an avenue for students to experience hands-on activities that will strengthen their communication skills through reflective and narrative writing about their new experiences. Each student will develop their own “Voice of the Borderland” narrative that will be exhibited at the Mexican Consulate office in Douglas, Arizona.

Fully Online/iCourse Options

AFAS 425 Environmental Justice/Environmental Racism (SBHU/STHS)
Instructor: Johnny Bowens
7 week 1 icourse

ANTH 301 Conservation & Community (SBHU/ECI)
Instructor: Richard Stoffle
7 week 2 icourse

CHS 306 Interprofessional Care (STHS/SBHU)
Instructor: Carrie Langley
7 week 2 icourse

ENGL 308 Technical Writing (STHS/ECI)
Instructor: TBA
Regular semester icourse

GPSV 301 American Political Ideas (SBHU/SAE)
Instructor: Todd Lutes
7 week 1 icourse

HRTS 461 Human Rights in Eurasia (SBHU/GIU)
Instructor: Liudmila Klimanova
7 week 2 icourse

RELI 280 Intro to Bible: New Testament (SBHU)
Instructor: Grant Adamson
7 week 2 icourse

RNCV 311 Market Planning (ECI)
Instructor: Romi Carrell Wittman
Regular semester icourse

RSSV 315 Vampires & Werewolves (SBHU/AMENT)
Instructor: Benjamin Jens
7 week 2 icourse

PSY 381 Abnormal Psychology (STHS/SBHU)
Instructor: Andrew Perkins
7 week 1icourse

SOC 321 Families and Society (SBHU)
Instructor: Rina James
Regular semester icourse

TLS 355 Planning Community Events and Recreational programs (ECI/AMENT)
Instructor: Jasmine Mayes-Browning
7 week 1 icourse

IDS 393/493 Internship
7 week 2 or
regular semester options

IDS 498 Capstone
7 week 1 and 7 week 2 icourse

Spring 2023 Enrollment Options  

To read descriptions of the non-HUMS courses, search in the general catalog:

  • Regular session: 1/11/23--5/03/2023
    • Final Examinations: 5/5-5/11/2023
  • 7 week 1 session:  1/11/23--3/3/2023
  • 7 week 2 session: 3/13/23--5/03/2023 


Distance in-person/ITV courses.

You must enroll in at least 2 of these courses if you are full-time; majority is encouraged.

HUMS 378 Playing Doctor: Images of Medicine and Health in film (AMENT/STHS)
Instructor: Victoria Meyer
7 week 2
Tuesday/Thursday 4-5:30pm (primarily taught out of Chandler)

In this course, we will examine how different aspects of health, illness, patients, and medical practitioners have been portrayed in film. Our aim is to explore what we can learn about how different societies in different time periods have viewed disease and the medical field.  We will also explore how can we use film as documents, both primary and secondary, to understand medicine and society more broadly in the past. This requires awareness of the historical context of the films themselves. We will ask what different definitions of "disease" or public health have existed and been used in film.  How have some aspects of the medical profession or certain illnesses been portrayed and why?  How has film been used as a tool of rhetoric and how has film influenced our understandings of medicine and even our own bodies? We will also compare other "images" of health and medicine in both art and in literature.


HUMS 395 Voices of the Borderlands (SBHU/GIU)
Instructor: Abe Villarreal
Regular semester
Monday/Wednesday 5-6:15pm (taught out of Douglas; ITV other locations)

The course exposes the voices and narratives of people living in the southwest borderland area of the U.S.-Mexico border during the 21st century. Students will examine how we use stories to share the human condition and our histories, which serve to establish our cultural identities. Short stories, personal narratives, and poetry will be reviewed as inspiration on how students can develop their own voices in expressing identity, struggles, hopes, and dreams through writing. The course will include guest speakers from the borderlands who will share the work they do in supporting migrant communities in Sonora, Mexico. Optional, volunteer opportunities will be presented as an avenue for students to experience hands-on activities that will strengthen their communication skills through reflective and narrative writing about their new experiences. Each student will develop their own “Voice of the Borderland” narrative that will be exhibited at the Mexican Consulate office in Douglas, Arizona.


HUMS 396 Global Engagement (GIU/ECI)
Instructor: Daniel Aguirre
Regular Semester
Thursday 1-3:30pm (primarily taught out of Chandler; ITV other locations)

The course aims to offer students an opportunity to learn how to recognize scenarios where humanities-centered approximations might provide potential solutions to societal issues. Drawing on fields such as economic development, communication, cultural studies and international relations, the course presents students to notions of global actorship at various levels and within different spheres, providing those who complete the course a set of distinct strategic tools and knowledge for future professions. The units covered throughout the semester include –among others– understanding recent global economic development issues, structures and actors participating in the globalization and fragmentation of the international order, and communications from cultural and technologically mediated optics.


HUMS 495 Issues in Death, Dying, and Grief (SBHU/STHS)
Instructor: Victoria Meyer
Regular Semester
Monday/Weds 3:30-4:45pm (primarily taught out of North Valley; ITV other locations)

Death comes to us all making it one of the few universal human experiences. Yet, death, dying and bereavement take place in different socio-cultural, interpersonal, and individual contexts. Humans respond to death in different ways and all religious and philosophical traditions attempt to come to grips with it. In this course, we will explore these diverse perspectives and practices through an interdisciplinary analysis. We will discuss Western traditions and modern viewpoints and approaches, as well as global customs and beliefs of death and mourning.  Students will explore their own perspectives of loss and gain understanding of how their perspective impacts their response to others. Specific topics will include cultural and medical factors shaping a “good death”; funeral practices; imagery of death; trauma and death; understandings of the afterlife; legal and ethical debates; suicide and euthanasia.


HUMS 496 Technology and Social Progress (STHS/ECI)
Instructor: Seth Rachlin
7 week 1
Tuesday/Thursday 5-6:30pm (primarily taught out of Chandler; ITV other locations)

For many, technology and social progress are highly correlated, if not synonymous. The salutary impact of technology is indisputable. But with technological advancement comes consequences in the form of new economic, social and political risks – economists call them externalities -- which are often significant and typically born unequally by individuals and groups in modern societies. Policies, programs and contractual schemes to address such risks, the joint province of government and the private sector, usually significantly trail their emergence. In this course, we will apply an institutionalist perspective to the specific case of information technology and its disruptive impact on economy, culture, and politics. We will study the “gig economy” and the challenge of providing the protections of a social safety net to a world of freelancers. We will consider the erosion of traditional notions of objectivity and institutional authority brought about by the “democratization of information” enabled by social media. We will explore the new face of cyber warfare in which nations and non-state actors challenge one another with bytes as well as bombs. And ultimately, we will ask what the monopolies of the new Gilded Age of Big Tech mean for the freedom of citizens and the future of democracy. Should we act now to redirect the path we are on? Can we?


Live Online Courses

ANTH 307 Ecological Anthropology (SBHU/STHS)
Instructor: Thomas Sheridan
Regular Semester—Live Online
Monday/Weds. 12:30-1:45pm

ENGL 443 Mexican-American Literature in English (SBHU/GIU)
Instructor: Daniel Cooper Alarcon
Regular Semester—Live Online
Tuesday/Thursday 11am- 12:15pm

IST 251 Introduction to Game Design (STHS/ECI)
Instructor: Drew Castalia
Regular Semester—Live Online
Tuesday/ Thursday 11am-12:15pm


Fully Online/iCourses

ART 358 Creative Strategies to Visual Design (AMENT)
Instructor: Lisa Watanabe, Wilma Pinedo
Regular Semester icourse

CLAS 310 Rome in Film: City as Text (AMENT/SBHU)
Instructor: Cynthia White
7 week 1 icourse

CHS 305 Suffering and Care in Society (STHS/SBHU)
Instructor: Cristina Rivera Carpenter
7 week 1 icourse

CHS 334 Community Health Care (SBHU/STHS)
Instructor: Thomas Hill
7 week 2 icourse

ENGL 312 Latina/o Pop: Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Pop Culture (SBHU/GIU)
Instructor: TBA
Regular semester icourse

ESOC 478 Science Information and Its Presentation (STHS/SBHU)
Instructor: Meaghan Wetherell
Regular semester icourse

EVS 362 Environment and Development (ECI/STHS)
Instructor: Oliver Froehling
Regular semester icourse

FOOD 428 Food, Health, and Environment in History (STHS/SBHU)
Instructor: Jeremy Vetter
7 week 1 icourse

FTV 375 TV and US Culture (AMENT/SBHU)
Instructor: Nicole Koschmann
7 week 1 icourse

IDS 393/493 Internship
7 week 2 or regular semester options

IDS 498 Capstone
7 week 1 and 7 week 2 icourse

PAH 321 Relationship-Based Fundraising: Donor Development in the Nonprofit Sector (SBHU/ECI)
Instructor: Dana Vandersip
7 week 2 icourse

RSSS 304 A History of Soviet and Post-Soviet Film (AMENT/GIU)
Instructor: Benjamin Jens 7 week 2 icourse

SOC 320 Why so Few? Women in the Professions (ECI/SBHU)
Instructor: Jina Lee
Regular semester icourse
Lecture: Section 150 (Course # 88650) and Section 150A (Course # 88651)

Past Courses

Distance IDS synchronous courses:

IDS 396A Introduction to Interdisciplinary Methods(SBHU/STHS)
Instructor: Victoria Meyer
Hybrid Wednesday 4-5:30 pm
Nogales ITV, Rm TBD

HUMS 374 Pop Music and the Counter-Culture(AMENT/SAE)
Instructor: Scott Zimmer
Tuesday/Thursday: 12:30-1:45 pm
Nogales ITV, Rm TBD

HIST 495K Histories from Madness to Mental Illness(SBHU/GIU)
Instructor: Victoria Meyer
Tuesday/Thursday 2:30-3:45 pm
Nogales ITV, Rm TBD

HUMS 496 Technology and Social Progress(ECI/STHS)
Instructor: Seth Rachlin
Tuesday/Thursday 4:15-5:45 pm
Nogales ITV, Rm TBD

EAS 333 Buddhist Meditation Traditions(SBHU/GIU)
Instructor: James Baskind
Live Online Monday 3:30-6 pm

CHN 460 US-China Relations and the Modern World(ECI/GIU)
Instructor: Andres Onate
Live Online Monday 3:30-6 pm


Fully Online (asynchronous iCourses)

ANTH 450 Social Inequality(SBHU/ECI)
Instructor: Jennifer Lee
Regular Semester

CHS 303 Health and Society(STHS/SBHU)
Instructor: Jennifer Brailsford
7 week 2

COMM 301 Survey of Mass Communication(SBHU)
Instructor: Matthew Lapierre, Michael Farzinpour
7 week 1

GAME 308 Diversity and Bias in Games(ECI/SBHU)
Instructor: Michael Jenkins
7 week 2

LAS 312 US-Latin America Relations: Trade, Security, and Power(GIU/ECI)
Instructor: Susan Brewer-Osorio
7 week 1

PAH 220 Collaboration: A Humanities Perspective(ECI/SBHU)
Instructor: Renee Reynolds
7 week 1

PHIL 323 Environmental Ethics(STHS/SBHU)
Instructor: Hoi Yee Chan
Regular semester

SOC 302 Sports and Society(AMENT/SBHU)
Instructor: Derek Martin
7 week 2

SOC 448 Sociology of the Body(STHS/SBHU)
Instructor: Mariana Manriquez
Regular Semester

Distance IDS flex in-person courses. You must enroll in a majority in-person classes, which is dependent upon whether you will be part-time or full-time

FA 395 Arts and Social Change (AMENT/SBHU)
Instructor: Elaine Kessler
Wednesday 3-5:45pm

HIST 311 History of Epidemics (STHS/SBHU)
Instructor: Victoria Meyer
Monday/Wednesday 1-2:15pm

HIST 495K Women in Revolt: Women and Gender in Modern Revolutions (SBHU/GIU)
Instructor: Victoria Meyer
Tuesday/Thursday 2-3:15pm

HUMS 396 Global Development and Inequality (ECI/GIU)
Instructor: Eyal Bar
Tuesday/Thursday 3:30-4:45pm

Fully Online/iCourses

ANTH 353 The Anthropology of Food (SBHU/STHS)
Instructor: Megan Carney
Regular Semester icourse

ANTV 364 Natural History of Our Closest Relative (STHS/SBHU)
Instructor: Allison Hays
7 week 2 icourse

ARH 325 History of Modern Architecture (STHS/SBHU)
Instructor: Larry Busbea
Regular semester icourse

IDS 498 Capstone
7 week 1 and 7 week 2 icourse

CHN 305 Global Kung Fu Cinema (AMENT/GIU)
Instructor: Dian Li
7 week 2 icourse

ESOC 301 Qualitative Internet Research (STHS/SBHU)
Instructor: Diana Daly
Regular Semester icourse

ESOC 317 Digital Crime and Social Media (ECI/STHS)
Instructor: Volodymyr Lysenko
7 week 2 icourse

ESOC 330 Digital Dilemmas: Privacy, Property, and Access (STHS/SBHU)
Instructor: Harrison Apple
7 week 1 icourse

ENGL 307 Business Writing (ECI)
Regular Semester icourse

FITS 300 The Business of Beauty (ECI/SBHU)
Instructor: Elif Kavakci
Regular Semester icourse

ITAL 330A Resisting Fascism (GIU/SBHU)
Instructor: Giuseppe Cavatorta
7 week 2 icourse

GAME 310 eSport Industries (ECI/STHS)
Instructor: Kristin Strange
Regular semester icourse

GLO 403 Media and Global Terrorism (AMENT/GIU)
Instructor: Margaret Zanger
7 week 2 icourse

GLO 455 Media and Human Rights (STHS/SBHU)
Instructor: Margaret Zanger
7 week 1 icourse

RSSS 280 Sports and Empire: Sport in Soviet and Post-Soviet Eastern European Society (GIU/SBHU)
Regular Semester icourse
Instructor: Benjamin Jens

Distance IDS/flex in-person courses

HUMS 395 Introduction to Multi-Disciplinary Studies (Formerly SBS 395A)  (SBHU/STHS)  
Instructor: Victoria Meyer 
Monday/Wednesday 2:30-3:45pm 

HUMS 396 The Business of Entertainment (ECI/AMENT)   
Instructor: Elaine Kessler
Tuesday/Thursday 1:00-2:15pm 

MUS 334 Music in World Cultures (AMENT/GIU) 
Instructor: Joshua Bennett 
Monday/Wednesday 1:00-2:15pm 

POL 326 American Political Thought (SBHU/SAE)  
Instructor: Eyal Bar 
Monday/Wednesday 4:30-5:45pm 

HIST 349 History of Crime in America, 1607-present (SBHU/SAE)        
Instructor: Victoria Meyer
Tuesday/Thursday 11:00am-12:15pm

Live Online Courses:  

MAS 317 Latin American Immigration and the Re-Making of the U.S. (SBHU/SAE) 
Instructor: Anna Oleary 
Tuesday/Thursday 4:00-5:15pm Live Online 

PAH 200 Intro to Applied Humanities. (SBHU) 
Instructor: Suzanne Panferov Reese 
Tuesday/Thursday 8:00-9:15am Live Online

PHIL 324 Law and Morality (SBHU) 
Instructor: Steven Wall
Monday/Wednesday 3:00-4:15pm Live Online 

Fully Online/iCourses  

AFAS 376 Global Soccer (GIU/SBHU) 
Instructor: Yuxuf Abana 
7 week 1 

AFAS 475 USA and South Africa (SBHU/GIU) 
Instructor: Praise Zenega 
7 week 2 

ANTH 438A Women’s Health in Global Perspective (STHS/GIU) 
Instructor: Staff
Regular semester/iCourse

BGS 498 Capstone
7 week 1 and 7 week 2 iCourse 

DNC 400 Dance and Culture (AMENT/GIU) 
Instructor: Christopher Compton  
7 week 1 

FTV 352 Looking at Movies: Film Styles and Genres (AMENT) 
Instructor:  David Mulcahy 
7 week 1 

GAME 310 Gamification in Society (AMENT/SBHU) 
Instructor: Kristin Strange  
Regular semester/ icourse 

ISTA 230 Intro to Web Design and Development (STHS or AMENT) 
Instructor: Ryan Rucker  
Regular semester 

KOR 352 Class, Gender, and Family in Korea  (SBHU/GIU) 
Instructor: Sunyoung Yang     
7 week 2 

RELI 302 Ellis Island, 9/11, and Border Walls: Religion and Immigration in the U.S. (SBHU/SAE) 
Instructor: Daisy Vargas 
7 week 2 

SOC 342 Criminology (SBHU)
Regular semester
Instructor: Staff

Academic Calendar 2022–2023

Fall 2022

Classes Begin August 22, 2022
Last day to add or change classes in UAccess August 29, 2022
Last day to drop without a grade of W (withdraw) September 4, 2022
Labor Day, no classes September 5, 2022
Veteran's Day, no classes November 11, 2022
Thanksgiving Recess November 24–November 27, 2022
Last Day of Classes December 7, 2022
Reading Day—no classes or finals December 8, 2022
Final Exam Period December 9–15, 2022

For a full list of all dates and deadlines, visit: Some deadlines for 7-week courses will be different.

Spring 2023

Classes Begin January 11, 2023

Martin Luther King Jr Holiday, no classes

Last day to add or drop in UAccess

Last day to drop without a W

Last day for a refund

January 16, 2023

January 18, 2023

January 24, 2023

January 24, 2023

Spring recess, no classes

March 4-12, 2023

Last day of classes May 3, 2023
Reading day, no classes or finals May 4, 2023
Final Exam Period May 5–11, 2023
Commencement May 12, 2023

For a full list of all dates and deadlines, visit: Some deadlines for 7-week courses will be different.

Academic Advising

Our academic advisors in the College of Humanities IDS Advising Center, as well as the Nogales Coordinator, will help you plan your course of study.

Make an Appointment

The Academic Advising Center hours of operation are Monday–Friday 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. You can schedule an appointment to meet with Daniel Gonzales in 2 ways:

Call the main number. Call 520-621-7763and ask to speak with an IDS advisor for Distance. This is the quickest way to schedule an appointment.

Email an advisor to set up an appointment.Advisors will not be able to answer your email immediately, so you must allow for a delay in scheduling an appointment.

Financial Aid Coordinator

If you have a question specifically about financial aid, please contact Alan Aguirre. Alan will be able to assist you with questions and help you interact with the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid in Tucson. Please make an appointment with him through the Trellis system: click on his name and you will see instructions.

Our Academic Advisors

Alan Aguirre***
Student Services and Financial Aid Coordinator
(520) 287-8632*

Daniel Gonzales
Director, Bachelor of InterdisciplinaryStudies Advising
Academic Advisor*

***Mr. Aguirre was seriously injured in an accident and is not available. Until further notice, for all inquiries about the program, reach out to Victoria Meyer the program director: 602-399-9032 ---10/26/2022

For More information and How to Apply

Our University of Arizona Nogaleslocation has dedicated staff to help you through the application process.